var DEBUG = true; var timers = {}; var thisDialog; var PJF_VERSION = "1.0.0"; function pjfOps(ops, confirmation) { // debug("ops count " + ops.length); if (confirmation != null) { pjfConfirmation(confirmation, function() { pjfOps(ops); }); } else { for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { var op = ops[i]; try { if (op.type == "ajax") { if (op.confirmation != null) { pjfConfirmation(op.confirmation, function() { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, false, op.restMethod, op.paramsJS); }); } else { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, false, op.restMethod, op.paramsJS); } } else if (op.type == "get") { if (op.confirmation != null) { pjfConfirmation(op.confirmation, function() { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, false, "GET", op.paramsJS); }); } else { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, false, "GET", op.paramsJS); } } else if (op.type == "post") { if (op.confirmation != null) { pjfConfirmation(op.confirmation, function() { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, false, "POST", op.paramsJS); }); } else { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, false, "POST", op.paramsJS); } } else if (op.type == "delete") { if (op.confirmation != null) { pjfConfirmation(op.confirmation, function() { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, "DELETE"); }); } else { pjfAjax(op.url, op.params, pjfOps, "DELETE"); } } else if (op.type == "js") { debug("eval: ", b64_to_utf8(op.command)); eval(b64_to_utf8(op.command)); } else if (op.type == "msg") { if (op.severity == "info") { pjfInfo(op.title, op.msg, op.iconUrl); } else if (op.severity == "error") { pjfError(op.title, op.msg, op.iconUrl); } else if (op.severity == "warn") { pjfWarn(op.title, op.msg, op.iconUrl); } } else if (op.type == "redirect") { window.location = op.url + (op.params != undefined ? "?" + op.params : ""); } else if (op.type == "form-post") { post_to_url(op.url, op.params); } else if (op.type == "class-set") { $(op.jQuerySelector).attr("class", op.clazz); } else if (op.type == "class-add") { $(op.jQuerySelector).addClass(op.clazz); debug("class " + op.clazz + " added to " + op.jQuerySelector); } else if (op.type == "class-remove") { $(op.jQuerySelector).removeClass(op.clazz); debug("class " + op.clazz + " removed from " + op.jQuerySelector); } else if (op.type == "check") { $(op.jQuerySelector).attr('checked', "checked"); } else if (op.type == "uncheck") { $(op.jQuerySelector).removeAttr('checked'); } else if (op.type == "check-toggle") { $(op.jQuerySelector).click();//.attr('checked', !$(op.jQuerySelector).attr("checked")); } else if (op.type == "replace") { $(op.jQuerySelector).replaceWith(b64_to_utf8(op.html)); debug("[pjfOps] ", op.jQuerySelector, " replaced"); } else if (op.type == "enable") { $(op.jQuerySelector).prop('disabled', false); } else if (op.type == "disable") { $(op.jQuerySelector).prop('disabled', true); } else if (op.type == "toggle") { $(op.jQuerySelector).toggle(); } else if (op.type == "toggle-class") { $(op.jQuerySelector).toggleClass(op.clazz); } else if (op.type == "show") { $(op.jQuerySelector).show(); debug(op.jQuerySelector + " shown"); } else if (op.type == "hide") { $(op.jQuerySelector).hide(); debug(op.jQuerySelector + " hidden"); } else if (op.type == "remove") { $(op.jQuerySelector).remove(); debug(op.jQuerySelector + " removed"); } else if (op.type == "cookie-remove") { eraseCookie(; } else if (op.type == "cookie-create") { createCookie(, op.value, op.days); } else if (op.type == "set") { $(op.jQuerySelector).html(b64_to_utf8(op.html)); } else if (op.type == "set-readonly") { $(op.jQuerySelector).attr("readonly", "true"); } else if (op.type == "remove-readonly") { $(op.jQuerySelector).removeAttr("readonly"); } else if (op.type == "setattr") { $(op.jQuerySelector).attr(, b64_to_utf8(op.value)); } else if (op.type == "remove-attr") { $(op.jQuerySelector).removeAttr(; } else if (op.type == "val") { $(op.jQuerySelector).val(op.value); } else if (op.type == "val-append") { $(op.jQuerySelector).val($(op.jQuerySelector).val() + ' ' + op.value); } else if (op.type == "after") { $(op.jQuerySelector).after(b64_to_utf8(op.html)); } else if (op.type == "before") { $(op.jQuerySelector).before(b64_to_utf8(op.html)); } else if (op.type == "append") { $(op.jQuerySelector).append(b64_to_utf8(op.html)); } else if (op.type == "prepend") { $(op.jQuerySelector).prepend(b64_to_utf8(op.html)); } else if (op.type == "set-data") { $(op.jQuerySelector).data(, op.value); } else if (op.type == "resize") { var width = $(op.jQuerySelector).width(); var height = $(op.jQuerySelector).height(); // console.log("sizes: " + width + " " + height); $(op.jQuerySelector).width(width + op.resizeX); $(op.jQuerySelector).height(height + op.resizeY); // var width = $(op.jQuerySelector).width(); // var height = $(op.jQuerySelector).height(); // console.log("sizes: " + width + " " + height); } else if (op.type == "timer") { pjfTimer(op.jQuerySelector, op.timerId, op.url,, op.restMethod, op.params, op.paramsJS); } else if (op.type == "dialog-close") { // alert(window.thisDialog); window.thisDialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); } else if (op.type == "dialog") { var _onOK = op.onOK; var _additionalParams = op.params != null ? "&" + op.params : ""; var buttonsList = null; if (!isEmpty(_onOK)) { buttonsList = { "Save": { visible : false, text : op.onOKBtnCaption, click : function() { var thisDialog = $(this); paramsJS = thisDialog.find(":input").serialize(); params = ""; if (!isEmpty(paramsJS)) { paramsJS.split("&").forEach(function(entry) { // debug(entry); parts = entry.split("="); params = (isEmpty(params) ? "" : params + "&") + parts[0] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(parts[1]); }, this); } pjfAjax(_onOK, params + "&" + _additionalParams, function(modalOps) { pjfOps(modalOps); for (var i = 0; i < modalOps.length; i++) { if (modalOps[i].type == "dialog-close") thisDialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); } }, true, op.restMethod, null); }, class: "btn btn-small btn-success btn-line" }, "Cancel": { text : op.onCancelBtnCaption, click : function() { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); }, class: "btn btn-small btn-default btn-line" } }; } else { buttonsList = { "OK": { text : op.onCancelBtnCaption, click : function() { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); }, class: "btn btn-small btn-default btn-line" } }; } window.thisDialog = $(b64_to_utf8(op.html)).dialog({ width: op.minWidth, height: op.minHeight, modal: true, title: op.title, buttons: buttonsList, close: function() { var thisDialog = $(this); thisDialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); } else if (op.type == "dialogMsg") { $(b64_to_utf8(op.html)).dialog({ width: op.minWidth, height: 480, modal: true, title: op.title, buttons: { "OK": { text : "Close", click : function() { $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); }, class: "btn btn-small btn-default btn-line" } }, close: function() { } }); } else { error('Unknown case ' + JSON.stringify(op) + ' has occurred: '); } } catch (e) { error('An error in op ' + JSON.stringify(op) + ' has occurred: ' + e); } } } } function urldecode(url) { return decodeURIComponent(url.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } function pjfAjax(url, paramsStatic, onOKFunction, waitForAjax, restMethod, paramsJS) { debug("[pjfAjax] Ajax url= ", url, " paramsStatic= ", paramsStatic, " waitForAjax= ", waitForAjax, " restMethod= ", restMethod, " paramsJS= ", b64_to_utf8(paramsJS)); debug("paramsJS dialog Save ", paramsJS); // debug("paramsJS dialog Save utf8_decode", utf8_decode(paramsJS)); params = ""; if (!isEmpty(paramsStatic)) params = paramsStatic; if (!isEmpty(paramsJS)) { eval(b64_to_utf8(paramsJS)).split("&").forEach(function(entry) { // debug(entry); parts = entry.split("="); params = (isEmpty(params) ? "" : params + "&") + parts[0] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(parts[1]); debug("[pjfAjax] added " + parts[0] + "=" + parts[1]); }, this); } if (!isEmpty(readCookie("userId"))) { params = params + "&userIdCookie=" + readCookie("userId"); debug("[pjfAjax] added: " + "&userIdCookie=" + readCookie("userId")); } if (!isEmpty(readCookie("lc"))) { params = params + "&lc=" + readCookie("lc"); debug("[pjfAjax] added: " + "&lc=" + readCookie("lc")); } debug("[pjfAjax] cookies: ", document.cookie); debug("[pjfAjax] Ajax url= ", url, " params= ", params, " restMethod= ", restMethod); pjfShowProgress(); asyncBool = (waitForAjax != undefined && waitForAjax == true ? false : true); try { $.ajax({ type : (restMethod == null ? "POST" : restMethod), cache : false, dataType : "json", // contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8", url : (url.indexOf('http') == 0 ? url : "/" + url), data : params, // async: asyncBool, success : function(resp) { if (resp.result == "FAIL") { try { error("Ajax function failed: ", resp); pjfOps(resp); } catch (e) { error("Ajax function exception: ", xhr, textStatus, error); throw e; } } else { if (onOKFunction != null) { onOKFunction(resp); } } pjfHideProgress(); }, error : function(xhr, textStatus, error) { try { err("Ajax call failed: ", xhr, textStatus, error); if (xhr.responseText) pjfOps(jQuery.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); // call this ajax later in 30 seconds info("pjfAjax: Ajax call postponed 30 s..."); window.setTimeout(function() { pjfAjax(url, paramsStatic, onOKFunction, waitForAjax, restMethod, paramsJS); }, 30000); } catch (e) { err("Ajax call exception: ", xhr, textStatus, error); throw e; } pjfHideProgress(); } }); } catch (error) { err("Error catch: ", error); // expected output: ReferenceError: nonExistentFunction is not defined // Note - error messages will vary depending on browser } finally { // pjfHideProgress(); } } function pjfTimer(jQSelector, id, url, ms, restMethod, paramsStatic, paramsJS) { if (restMethod === undefined || restMethod.length == 0) restMethod = "POST"; debug("[pjfTimer] jQSelector= ", jQSelector, ", id= ", id, url, ms, restMethod, paramsStatic, paramsJS); if (timers[id] != null) { // stopping old timer window.clearTimeout(timers[id]); timers[id] = null; } if ($(jQSelector).length == 0) { debug("Element ", id, " does not exist, consuming timer..."); return; } timers[id] = window.setTimeout(function() { var jQS = jQSelector; var timerId = id; debug("[pjfTimer] jQS= ", jQS, ", timerId= ", timerId, url, ms, restMethod, paramsStatic, paramsJS); var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var allowed = ((currTime - $(jQS).data('prevTime')) > ms ? true : false); // params = ""; // if (!isEmpty(paramsStatic)) // params = paramsStatic; // if (!isEmpty(paramsJS)) { // eval(b64_to_utf8(paramsJS)).split("&").forEach(function(entry) { //// debug(entry); // parts = entry.split("="); // params = (isEmpty(params) ? "" : params + "&") + parts[0] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(parts[1]); // }, this); // } // debug("[pjfAjax] Ajax url= ", url, " params= ", params, " restMethod= ", restMethod); // debug("[pjfTimer] params= ", params); if (allowed || $(jQS).data('prevTime') == null) { $(jQS).data('prevTime', currTime); pjfAjax(url, paramsStatic, pjfOps, false, restMethod, paramsJS); } ; }, ms); } function pjfConfirmation(options, onYesFunction) { var dialog = $("
") .addClass("dialog-confirmation") .attr("title", b64_to_utf8(options.title)) .append($("

") .addClass("comment") .html(b64_to_utf8(options.msg))) ; $(dialog).dialog({ height: (options.height != null ? options.height : 280), width: (options.width != null ? options.width : 480), modal: true, buttons: { "Yes": { click: function() { onYesFunction(); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); }, class: "btn btn-small btn-success btn-line", text: (options.yesBtnName != null ? options.yesBtnName : "Yes") }, "No": { click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } , class: "btn btn-small btn-default btn-line", text: (options.noBtnName != null ? options.noBtnName : "No") } } }); } function pjfWarn(title, message, icon) { if (message === undefined || message.length == 0) message = " "; if (icon != null) $.gritter.add({title: title, text: message, image: icon}); else $.gritter.add({title: title, text: message, image: 'static/pjf/alert.png'}); } function pjfInfo(title, message, icon) { if (message === undefined || message.length == 0) message = " "; if (icon != null) $.gritter.add({title: title, text: message, image: icon}); else $.gritter.add({title: title, text: message, image: 'static/pjf/OK.png'}); } function pjfError(title, message, icon) { if (message === undefined || message.length == 0) message = " "; if (icon != null) $.gritter.add({title: title, text: message, image: icon}); else $.gritter.add({title: title, text: message, image: 'static/pjf/FAIL.png'}); } function showMessagesWithGritter() { if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { var split = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { var name_value = split[i].split("="); name_value[0] = name_value[0].replace(/^ /, ''); if (name_value[0].substr(0, 7) === "msgInfo") { pjfInfo("Info", decodeURIComponent(name_value[1]).replace(/\+/g, " ")); eraseCookie(name_value[0]); } else if (name_value[0].substr(0, 8) === "msgError") { pjfError("Error", decodeURIComponent(name_value[1]).replace(/\+/g, " ")); eraseCookie(name_value[0]); } } } } function isEmpty(str) { return (str == null || str === undefined || !str || 0 === str.length); } function post_to_url(path, params, method) { method = method || "post"; // Set method to post by default if not specified. // The rest of this code assumes you are not using a library. // It can be made less wordy if you use one. var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", method); form.setAttribute("action", path); for(var key in params) { if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", key); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[key]); form.appendChild(hiddenField); } } document.body.appendChild(form); // console.log(form); form.submit(); } function getPageParam(name) { var regexS = "/" + name + "/([\\w]+)";//"[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(window.location.href); if(results == null) return ""; else return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } function utf8_to_b64(str) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent( str ))); } function b64_to_utf8(str) { if (str == null || str === undefined) return null; return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob( str ))); } function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function isCookie(name) { return readCookie(name) != null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } function pjfShowProgress() { $("#progress-icon").show(); } function pjfHideProgress() { $("#progress-icon").hide(); } function debug() { if (DEBUG) console.log("DEBUG " + arrToStr(arguments)); } function info() { console.log("INFO " + arrToStr(arguments)); } function err() { console.log("ERROR " + arrToStr(arguments)); } function error() { console.log("ERROR " + arrToStr(arguments)); } function arrToStr(arguments) { var tmp = ""; for(var arg = 0; arg < arguments.length; ++ arg) tmp = tmp + arguments[arg] + " "; return tmp; } var delay = ( function() { var timer = 0; return function(callback, ms) { clearTimeout (timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })();